The Seedling of a Dream.

It all started as an idea for a potential new career for Brandon.  Having worked on a golf course since he was sixteen, he is yearning for something more rewarding, intrinsically as well as financially.  I was about to sign him up for a personal training course when my parents suggested I take the class with him, if only to supplement my massage practice in a different way.  We studied our little brains out leading up to our weekend course in Charlotte and it paid off because Brandon was answering questions in class left and right like he wasn't the only one in class without a health background.  The real magic, however, started happening before we ever arrived in Charlotte.  I found myself daydreaming about a wellness center.  Owned and operated by the Stephens.  We began discussing the possibilities of something bigger than we ever imagined.  Brandon and I would pass a building for rent and say, "We could start out in a place like that....."  It is exciting, but we're not getting ahead of ourselves.  It will be a long road, but one I know we will enjoy together.  Because of all the studying we did together, it opened a whole new dimension in our relationship and that in and of itself made it awesome and gives me a glimpse of what would be to come should we embark on this adventure together.  Until then, I have already begun to incorporate some of the things I've learned to help my clients with their pain which not only makes me happy, but will also add to my massage practice's success. We are still waiting for the results of our written and practical exams and will be for three to five weeks, but I've got a big smile on my face, a glimmer in my eye, and a dream in my heart.  Maybe one day Sacred Willow Massage will be Sacred Willow Wellness.  Just maybe!


I am excited for the two of you to hear back on your tests, but more so that you went through this together. I know good things are in store for you both.


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